A few weeks ago, I picked the brains of the staff at Flower Craft for low water plants. Most of them had no idea what was native, so we spent some time looking plants up in a catalog. In the end, my little red wheel wagon was filled with CA native plants. I was pretty excited to buy plants that attracted butterflies and hummingbirds. This is what I ended up with: Santa Barbara Daisy (Erigeron Karvinshianus) small pink white daisies, tough, attracts butterflies. Alpine Columbine Two kids of Heuchera -"Amethyst Mist/ Coral bells" with burgundy leaves and "Ruby Bells- Alumroot"- red flowers, green leaves. Penstemon "Midnight" Purple flowers attracts humming birds. Yarrow (Achillea"moonshine") an old favorite from the high desert of New Mexico where I grew up. Most exciting of all was a flowering zinnia's I planted from seed. "My Peggy's Delight Zinnia" from Seeds of Change (named in honor after my late mother Peggy Coyne, who fought for environmental issues) bloomed on the 9th anniversary of her drowning. Pretty amazing how one little yellow flower can bring me so much peace.
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Anne-Lise BreuningRaised a feral hippy child in New Mexico, this dumpster diving compost lover wants to help green your home. Archives
September 2016